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Candles! Are they really Home Decor?

Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Candles, smell good, they brighten up your space, and they are colorful. Candles are a décor element that adds an experience and ambiance to anyone's space. From their stylish designs to their colorful appearance, all the way to their main factor...smells. Some may

question "what's the big deal about a candle?" Well, I will tell you, candles contribute to any surroundings and always give off an inviting presence. Candles "light the way" for people to gather in a space and feel something to what that space is trying to convey. For example, just like interior design, the goal is to create a space the client envisions that works for them, and for what they think others will enjoy as well. Candles do just that, either it's a soft and recognizable smell, or it's a foreign but pleasant smell that makes you think of something or even somewhere exotic. Candles help bring light into a space that leads to a strong invitation and an experience that people want to leave remembering, along with the décor.

So, should I run to Bath and Body Works, LLC. and collect their whole line of Japanese Cherry Blossom scented candles, to transport myself to the early spring season in Japan? Possibly, or maybe I want that pine-oak and cinnamon smell to remind me of the warmth of Christmas by the open fire. Candles create that aromatic atmosphere that compliments a space just by the scent alone. In the business of design and décor appearance is everything and with that being the case adding an element that contributes to the five senses will elevate the space to a higher standard. Candles have been dated back to over 5,000 years, and since their origin is so unknown every culture has developed its use and purpose for candles. Candles have evolved throughout time but, their main purpose today is to appease the senses of smell and comfort the mind to relax. Some people may say this is a theory into aromatherapy but, this is an Interior Décor Enthusiast blog and I am all for relaxing, but I also love it when my place smells good!

Storytime! So we all have seen the romantic comedies where the guy is trying to

"set the mood" to impress the girl. Of course mood lighting, clean surrounds, and of course

scented candles all contribute to the surrounding atmosphere. As I mentioned before candles "light the way" for people to gather into spaces to embrace what the atmosphere contributes to their experience. In this case, the guy wants his date to be impressed by his personal space hoping she likes it enough to feel comfortable around him. When you are considering your décor elements candles can contribute with the soft lighting they illuminate and a certain aroma they will dispense. Keep in mind space is just a space but the bodies that fill it up are the true design.

Envision ocean backdrop, windy presence with accented large encased candlelit lanterns, with a sea breeze scent. Moonlight lighting in a cabana-style pavilion with open ocean waves crashing on the shore. Sounds romantic, calming, and unforgettable. Keyword

"unforgettable", every designer or décor enthusiast should honor the word 'unforgettable'. Why?, Simply because it's an astonishing complement any client could give. You were able to create such a space that others could not simply forget by any details or the overall appearance. Candles are supposed to transport you to places you can't just fly to on the fly.

Imaginary and aroma is the chemical combination that allows your guest to feel when they see a candle or smell one. Yes, it is that powerful and that is why really good candle companies make overhead by selling color scented wax in a jar. But hey, don't just take my word for it, check out the collection page and order you one of our atmospheric candles TODAY! Don't forget to subscribe and share.


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