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Empty Spaces...Should You Become a Minimalist?

Happy Flipping 2021...Finally! For those who survived the horrific terror of 2020 and it's depressing, traumatic outbreak the fear of losing our homes and spaces. Talk about post-apocalyptic space terrorism! Speaking of spaces, I want to talk about filling "Empty Space". As metaphorical and theoretical as it may seem, "Empty Spaces", is the theme for 2021. If 2020 has taught us anything it's to make sure you are ready for anything that comes our way. Inspired by the recent documentary, The Minimalist: Less is more, aired early December of 2020 on Netflix. This documentary has expanded the natural realm of simplicity and how to achieve the true essence of "freedom". Empty Spaces challenges your mind to ask yourself: "What is essential in my living spaces, What does my dream space look like, and What décor techniques can I use to fill those empty spaces?"

Ok so you know that really heavy and toxic relationship, you just can't shake and you might still carry around like dead weight at the end of a Ciroc bottle...Deep. Insert Minimalism, the art of simplification or according to the experts, Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus;

"minimalism is not a destination—

it’s everything that remains when you

let go of the attachment to every thing."

So let Go. This year lets open spaces with things that bring good vibes, colors, and fresh futuristic appeals. Watching the documentary, reading the blogs, these ingenious scholars have pushed forward in the interior design realm. For example, I call it the "moving method" this method requires the strength and the patience to move all your stuff into empty boxes in one room and to slowly unpack ONLY essentials. The trick is to only unpack what you need... The question to ask: "What is essential in my living spaces?" When I first herd of the concept from Milburn and Nicodemus I was amazed how ingenious it was let alone simple. I personally hate moving and the idea of moving is the reason I never really liked to acquire a lot of things, but when I move into a new space of course the "designer" and creativity takes over and it's like: I. Have. To. Have. It. Like a toddler wanting their favorite toy I go hunting for these items that will impress me and please my creative desires.

Fear not all is not lost, I have developed the organizational tool of making a list! Like any good list with a goal in mind I always focus on the essentials. Once I review the basics and conclude the necessities that's when I incorporate my design and creativity. The main approach in interior design is functionality, does it work and is it practical? Incorporating the Minimalistic approach in 2021 you want to envision this open space, natural sunlight, and functional pieces that make you feel at home.

Be warn to not allow your space to have, "floating pieces" such as a couch with no underlying rug or a loner plant looking to be accented with a lamp or arm chair. Ask yourself, what you can live without and is it time to let go? Letting go is the hardest part I must admit but those attachments are all temporary infatuations that will be easily replaced by a cosmopolitan Ikea ad.

Should you become a minimalist? In perspective, yes everyone should consider decluttering their spaces for functional and productive purposes. The idea is to imagine your dream space without all the added collectibles you've lugged around, collecting memories on a shelf, or that out dated rug you convinced is vintage. For example, maybe you dreamed of having more organization in your space and not give off serial killer vibes. Color coordinating and shelving never hurt anyone. Get creative and think outside those boxes you packed with all of your things...All of your Things, so you can unpack ONLY essentials. The refreshing thing about this decision is seeing what can be replaced and what can be accented with new pieces. Becoming a minimalist in your décor should not only stop there this concept of cleaning out all the unnecessary baggage that we carry around can enlighten and open us up to new and inviting concepts. This year lets open ourselves to possibilities last year has robbed us of unintentionally. Lets start with our spaces first!


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