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The Power of Color: Brighten Up Any Living Room with a Few Simple Steps

Updated: Oct 4, 2020

OK, we all have visit that friends place to where their walls are all white and their decor is just as scared of color as they are to paint their 12 lease home. You know that beige tan couch with dark pattern pillows accented by the big fuzzy white and grey rug. Enough! bring on the colors please. 3 easy steps to brighten up your living decor if limitations are present. Step 1: Throw pillows are your friends. Simple colored throw pillows can set the tone of your space that will later on be highlighted by your accent rug. Know your tone if your couch is too dark of course loud colors like yellow and white will show comfort classy. Lighter tone couches can use settle color a orange-red color with silver metallic pillows says culture. Try different colors and explore just accent two colored pillows for range and depth. Step 2: Either its to relax your tush or to kick up your feet after a long day make it colorful. An accented color arm rest chair or even a foot ottoman can bring perspective to the room. Make it exotic there is nothing wrong with a zebra printed rug, matched with a deep royal blue-studded grandfather chair. Can someone say 'Sassy Please'. Step 3: OK, i'm all for the 'Boho' look so anytime I get the chance to incorporate the greenery I jump for it! The goal is not to mechanical garden the place, a simple basket weaved Fiddled Leaf is sure to add that rich green pigment to accent any style of decor. Sure why not add a 'Peace Lily' to that vacant coffee table longing for some color... and peace?. Color is the Visual Element of art that allows us as individuals to express our creativity, emotions, and our photo-receptors in the eye retina (if were being technical). Depending on what your theme may be as color is the highlighter that gives the 'glow up' to any finish look.

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